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  1. ManBearPig

    Arma 3 Altis Life

    Its a fairly chaotic server haha, but good to hear theres no connection problems. Olympus has a website for their servers, if you have some time to kill you can check all the rules, hotkeys, setups etc.
  2. ManBearPig

    Arma 3 Altis Life

    Hahaha @SamSkumm great video, I wasnt aware that your screen goes blurry after losing a kidney. Also in the server we play on I think you have to restrain someone before you can rob them? I think you have to buy your vigilante license, still figuring out how all that works. If your connection...
  3. ManBearPig

    Arma 3 Altis Life

    I will watch that vid when I have some time Sam. Heres my view of last nights gas station robbery fight.. I cut out as much as I could to shorten it, and I will never buy the SDAR again.
  4. ManBearPig

    Arma 3 Altis Life

    By watching both our recorded clips we found that there was 6 of them in 3 cars.. 2 of us. With a truck full of the blue it gets that adrenaline going haha!
  5. ManBearPig

    Arma 3 Altis Life

    Quick little clip of me and B getting chased with a shipment of it.
  6. ManBearPig

    Arma 3 Altis Life

    Hahaha ya and even then when ive been looking at the other two servers they are always packed.. Glad you made it through the kidney cancer Rex, when did you get another scalpel? When we blew up i think you lost that one haha
  7. ManBearPig

    Arma 3 Altis Life

    I also told b square last night that in no time I bet Rex will be stealing kidneys like it's his day job
  8. ManBearPig

    Arma 3 Altis Life

    Haha that's the one! And yes as far as I know you have to be on the exact same server which is Olympus 2.. Not sure if the other Olympus servers are tied In somehow and the money carries over? I don't think so but I'll have to check, there are Olympus 1,2,3. You can also google it they have a...
  9. ManBearPig

    Arma 3 Altis Life

    We're the Spanish gang that Los something hermanos.. Me and b got attacked by rebels last night with a truck full of blue meth.. B square took one for the team and killed 3 out of 4 rebels unfortunately the fourth one took him down but the important part is we got away with the shipment it's...
  10. ManBearPig

    Arma 3 Altis Life

    Its always an adventure with you guys haha but ya I lost the chopper.. I did start a gang tho
  11. ManBearPig

    Arma 3 Altis Life

    Just gonna post the horrific attempt at landing a heli last night... In my defense the first two times I landed not bad but third time didn't go as well.
  12. ManBearPig

    Good you?

    Good you?
  13. ManBearPig

    Gaming Calendar

    I was just thinking.. It would be cool if you could import some type of calendar into the website where anyone could go to it and fill in days where they won't be around or will be around.. For example i will be away this weekend but home Sunday so i could fill that in. I'm just saying that...
  14. ManBearPig

    XBOX One Contoller on PC

    That would be awesome.. Wait you can use a 360 controller on pc right now?
  15. ManBearPig

    Share your Gamertag

    DownRight DirtE
  16. ManBearPig

    Battlefield 4 Montage

    Thanks they take a bit of getting used to, definately can't quick scope and you pretty much have to be standing still but once you get the hang of it they are pretty fun.. And they are almost necessary on the china rising map pack especially Silk Road
  17. ManBearPig

    Battlefield 4 Montage

    I guess this is the proper spot to put a bf4 montage. If anyone wants to add me on Xbox One my gamertag is: DownRight DirtE.
  18. ManBearPig

    Half man half bearpig

    Half man half bearpig