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  1. ManBearPig

    Holiday Wish List

    A starter list?! That is intense haha well thought out. I don't know if I told you Riv but my rig is built I went with the gtx 970 and its phenomenal!
  2. ManBearPig

    Holiday Wish List

    computer chair, computer monitor, a new dishwasher and socks
  3. ManBearPig

    NLLP Event Sunday Poll

    I have a funeral Saturday so will be hard for me to make it
  4. ManBearPig

    Free weekend of Arma 3

    I think it is half price as well
  5. ManBearPig


    Sounds awesome dude!!
  6. ManBearPig


    Apparently I don't know how to quote someones post properly haha. And ya both RO2 and Iron Front, RO2 is a few yrs old now right?
  7. ManBearPig


  8. ManBearPig


    So I went to Fury and really liked it.. Now I have an itch to play a WW2 game. Thinking about trying Heroes and generals when I get home, apparently its in beta and free to play. Frankie just put a new video out about it.
  9. ManBearPig

    Possible team for Dragon Age Inquisition Multiplayer...

    Looks fun Pois I haven't done any research on the game but I think I would be down to run some multiplayer with you.
  10. ManBearPig

    In JFK airport! Hi Riv hi Rex

    In JFK airport! Hi Riv hi Rex
  11. ManBearPig


    I don't watch a whole bunch of movies but I do want to see this one.
  12. ManBearPig

    Building a computer

    Wow really good info guys thanks Rex for posting that it was very helpful, and ya Riv that my plan I will be doing lots of research through October here but I'm the type of person that when I get excited about something like this I buy too soon ha, but I will definatley check that website out...
  13. ManBearPig

    Building a computer

    Thanks guys, appreciate it. Gonna start hunting around see what I can find
  14. ManBearPig

    Building a computer

    Alright so I'm a noob when it comes to this stuff but I'm exploring the option of building a desktop computer, vs just buying one in a store. If anyone could give me their opinions and experiences with this it would be much appreciated. Looking to spend somewhere in the $1200 price range, is...
  15. ManBearPig

    What you bumpin to for Summer?

    Not sure if there's any black keys fans out there but this new one will be on repeat for my trip this weekend. Sorry if it's too old school for most haha
  16. ManBearPig

    Tropico 3 Free

    I would only play SOT if I could be a manbearpig
  17. ManBearPig

    Arma 3 Altis Life

    Ya man you lose the drugs, your gun (mine was 50k), Gun license, drivers license and they impound your vehicle.. and a 10 min wait in jail if you don't wanna pay bail or no one breaks you out
  18. ManBearPig

    Arma 3 Altis Life

    Don't feel bad Riv. Me and Ace got arrested with 400,000 bucks worth of mushrooms at the mushroom processing plant. Got thrown in jail for possession of shrooms, got my truck impounded full of shrooms, attempted manslaughter on a cop and a couple other things I can't remember what they were...
  19. ManBearPig

    Arma 3 Altis Life

    My bad I would say I could be Gustavo but it didn't turn out well for him either..
  20. ManBearPig

    Arma 3 Altis Life

    Seeing as i'm gang leader, i might have to change my name to.... Heisenberg