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Welcome Survivors!
To Revenant Gaming’s unofficial ARK server cluster!
Our Community: Welcomes mature players, both Beginners and Veterans. Our mission is to facilitate a "Long Lasting", and "Easy Going" gaming community.
The server cluster is PvE, and open to the public. All mods and settings are player suggested, but we don't stray too far from the official feel. That means moderate rate boosts, official difficulty, and a short list of MODs.
We have active Admins, who do their best to help everyone have a good time. We schedule PvP events as often as possible, both Admin AND Player created.
Servers are hosted in Montreal, and provide good latency to US and EU based players.
Revenant gaming is friend-based, Multi-Game community. Join us for the games, and stay for your friends.
Server Cluster:
- Genesis 2 - (Opened 6/4/21 - No-Wipe)
 (Click to Join!) node1.revenantgaming.com:28023 - (Query Info)
- The Center - (Opened 12/25/18 - No-Wipe)
 (Click to Join!) node2.revenantgaming.com:28017 - (Query Info)
- Scorched Earth - (Opened 8/25/18 - No-Wipe)
 (Click to Join!) node2.revenantgaming.com:28019 - (Query Info)
- Genesis - (Opened 2/26/20 - No-Wipe)
 (Click to Join!) node1.revenantgaming.com:28021 - (Query Info)
- Extinction - (Opened 11/6/18 - No-Wipe)
 (Click to Join!) node1.revenantgaming.com:28019 - (Query Info)
- The Island - (Opened 11/28/16 - No-Wipe)
 (Click to Join!) node2.revenantgaming.com:28015 - (Query Info)
- Crystal Isles - (Opened 6/21/20 - No-Wipe)
 (Click to Join!) node1.revenantgaming.com:28017 - (Query Info)
- Aberration - (Opened 12/13/17 - No-Wipe)
 (Click to Join!) node2.revenantgaming.com:28021 - (Query Info)
- Valguero - (Opened 6/18/19 - No-Wipe)
 (Click to Join!) node2.revenantgaming.com:28023 - (Query Info)
- Ragnarok - (Opened 6/24/17 - No-Wipe)
 (Click to Join!) node1.revenantgaming.com:28015 - (Query Info)
Settings: - Advanced Settings
- 1x Experience (2x REVolution Event)
- 2x Harvesting, Taming (4x REVolution Event)
- 3x Breeding/Maturation, Mating intervals reduced by 50%. (5x Breeding Frenzy)
- *Characters, Dinos, and Items can be Uploaded and Downloaded.
- Native dinos ONLY on Aberration
- Tribe Imprinting
- Tribe Wars Enabled
- Unlimited Mind-Wipes
- Decay timers are doubled: Thatch 8 days, Wood 16 days, Stone 24 days, Metal 32 Days
- Dino Decay timers are Quadrupled: 32 days
- We currently have the following (9) mods installed which are required in order to join. Mod-Pack
- ARK Vote Reward System (use /vote in any in-game chat window - Reward = 50-150 Ingots, and Polymer)
- ARK Cross Server Chat (Chat with Everyone on the cluster in-game)
- ARK Better Spawn Distribution (Exluding The Center, Ragnarok)
Server Guidelines: Simply put, “Friendly Community” is the theme on these maps. "Tribe Wars" can be set up for some temporary PvP action.
- DINO TAMES Can be claimed VIA DISCORD (Dino/Level/Coords) for up to 30 minutes. Trapped dinos, or in progress tames are off limits.
- NO building in areas dense with valuable resources.
- NO lone Foundations/Pillars. (Anything that is around more than a few weeks, will be removed by an admin.)
- NO Cave bases on "The Island". (Building in surface caves is permitted only for ease of access structures, i.e. Walkways, ramps, ladders, and beds.)
- NO Structures that exceed max area loading distance from end to end. Please be considerate with usage of space.
- DO NOT leave titans released for long periods of time. Time released should be used only to heal or for a specific purpose. Only 1 titan can be released at any given time per map so please be respectful.
- large communal structures must be cleared with server administration.
- Please remove ANY unused structures.
We DO NOT tolerate harassment of other players, griefing, or cheating. This Includes Hate speech or racial slurs.
Administrator Responsibilities: Admins will at their discretion kick or ban anyone who repeatedly violates our server guidelines, cheats, or harasses other players. Admin intervention is primarily to help players circumvent any serious issues resulting from server related bugs, or glitches.
The sole purpose of our admin team is to provide support to players, and influence a positive gaming atmosphere.
- Admin accounts CAN ONLY be used to…
- Help stuck players
- Replace dinos/items lost ONLY due to server related issues (Players must provide proof of loss)
- Kick/Ban players as needed (refer to server rules)
For in-game assistance, or any other questions regarding Revenant Gaming Ark Servers please mention @ARK Admins via Discord.
Join our Steam Group, or speak out via the Ark Discussion Forum.
Administrators: @Sipowicz , @-187- ŽΣĠǺŅ , @DudeAwesome , @Darkele , @FghtnSpanurd , @Phillip
*Rules are subject to change ANY time at community discretion.