Has to do something with Beths kidnappers. Never trust someone who lies for a living.Any Theory's on Gabrielle?
Dunno, but Gareth gets 3 people (1 being bob) in the scenes from next week section.Good point CMD. I thought about that myself. He took a bullet, seemed fine. Another thing, the guy Tyrese let live was sitting around the camp fire and had NO heavy bruising on his face. Tyrese didn't kill him, but last we saw he was punching him in the face pretty consistently. He'd still at least be swollen. Plot holes anyone?
3 people missing limbs, huh? All from the group?
Well you assume he got bit because he was acting so weird. I don't recall them ever showing a infected area.anyone else notice that they were eating infected meat? I mean toenailes or no, he went outside to die because he got bit back in the basement. so he's gotta be infected and they are eating him. Mad Cow Disease or Mad Bob disease.
they didn't show any infected area. that's just my theory, but it would be a little bit convenient for him to be in that situation and come out without getting infected twice. he was acting extremely weird after that point also a complete attitued change from the first of the episode to the end.Well you assume he got bit because he was acting so weird. I don't recall them ever showing a infected area.
I think same! Rick and co will be gunnin for fr gabriel now. I really think that Bob was bit he was outside cryin with a gun. He has every reason to stay alive now with a good group and he is in love. Thats why the last kiss between him and sascha was so meaningful. Also what was the snide comment between Abraham and chica all about? i get that they wanna bring Eugene to washington and plannin on skippin off with or without the group but that comment tho.. Did everyone watch the talkin dead too? Chris Hardwicks intro "well that was gross" had me in fits!My guess about the scenes with next week missing 3 people are not that the Termites have them, Daryl and Carol are gone and the others don't know so they assume it's the same thing maybe?
Cos Rick is always right!!!!!!! Even farmer rick - see the change in Carl? All farmer rickWell you don't know if he did get bit, which leg it was on so it could of been the other leg they were eating.
Just goes to show, when Rick said let's go back and finish them, they should of went back to finish them.
I wouldn't mind any info that you have on those 3. honestly i do not trust eugene. No one that is smart enough to save the world is going to have a mullet.Dropping the comic on this convo. Literally the same exact thing happens. It was Dale instead of Bob. He was in love with someone in the group, got bit, didn't tell anyone, left at night to go die. Got kidnapped by the Hunters, woke up with 2 legs missing, showed the Hunters his bite, they get pissed, Rick shows up and murders them all. So, yes we don't 100% know he was bit, but they are saying this season and the comic overlap almost identically so I believe he is bit
I have info on Eugene, Abraham and Rosita too, but will only post it if people don't care about real potential spoilers. I say potential spoilers because I don't know what they are going to take from the comic. I could be dead on or completely off.