I agree completely
I think Rick is coming to terms with Society himself and is learning trying to show others
He feels that this is the only way forward because this is what he has been shown.
Deanna needed to lose her husband and child to realise this. Same was as Rick lost Lori & for the start his family. He was forced to learn rather than forced to adapt. The people of Alexandria have adapted in a detrimental way. They got complacent. I find it astounding that no one has attacked them before - and put this down to Pure Luck.
Lol on the NinjaTurtles

All we need now is some pizza
On a serious note tho - I think Morgan is going to be more understanding than his look suggested. He has lost so much himself and is going to see that Rick still has his children. Morgan lost Duane and went psycho for a while being "Rick-clusive"(get it get it??) but he also 30 mins prior in the show knocked out two dudes, attempted to get a gun and defended himself by leaving them unconscious in a car while beeping the horn so they would get surrounded by Zombies. He cant really talk.
Everything is now relative & objectified . Morgan may need a little time to turn around but I think he will understand, Rick was just defending himself and his new Town. Same way as Morgan protected his home from zombies and people with not only Walker Traps but People Traps too. Everyone has done unspeakable things. People just need to realise this is the way of the world..
I really hope Morgan and Rick become friends again..... I literally jumped for joy when I saw Rick Grimes on the Map!