New Donation System!


Forum Master
Staff member
Bronze Donor
Hey Everyone! , So after a little flip/flop, we've got a new donation system up so you and us can keep an eye on what's going on. Here's a little about how it works.

Donations are still the same as they've been in the past. By clicking the donation button, you enter a disclosed amount. The transaction isn't handled by us, it redirects you to paypal as usual. However now we can gain some knowledge from the donations. We can track who donates, how much, how often. Which will allow us to add features for donators in the future.

New Widgets showing monthly goal:

We can also setup multiple donation goals. The current one aids our servers that we provide to you, future goals might be for charities, contests, or even raffles!

Suggestions, comments, concerns just let us know below or even message one of the @staff in discord.

