Arma 3 Altis Life


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Just gonna post the horrific attempt at landing a heli last night... In my defense the first two times I landed not bad but third time didn't go as well.



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Haha, love it. Especially the slow mo for "we ride together , we die together"



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Its always an adventure with you guys haha but ya I lost the chopper.. I did start a gang tho


this game is great fun, been playing it recently, got my kidney stolen by some rebels, and abused by a couple of crooked cops, funny tho!


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We're the Spanish gang that Los something hermanos.. Me and b got attacked by rebels last night with a truck full of blue meth.. B square took one for the team and killed 3 out of 4 rebels unfortunately the fourth one took him down but the important part is we got away with the shipment it's definately over a half a million and it's currently sitting behind the processing plant. We might need some more back up taking it to drug dealer


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Los Pollos Hermanos! Do you have to keep connecting to the same server as we were on last time?

You can count me in, even though I am a fresh spawn ;). You know I can't deny the baby blue.


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Haha that's the one! And yes as far as I know you have to be on the exact same server which is Olympus 2.. Not sure if the other Olympus servers are tied In somehow and the money carries over? I don't think so but I'll have to check, there are Olympus 1,2,3. You can also google it they have a website dedicated to the Olympus servers


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I also told b square last night that in no time I bet Rex will be stealing kidneys like it's his day job


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It will certainly be good to know if the other Olympus servers pull from the same hive so we can access all of our stuff. That way if the server is full we don't have to keep battling to get in. I will have to check it out.

I already bought the scalpel. So those kidneys are just waiting to get stolen. In real life I lost a kidney due to cancer, so I can certainly become a serial Kidney abductor and seller within Altis Life. I want to be that guy who can open his coat and have 10 kidney's at all times. Just in case. You never know when you will need a kidney.


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I doubt they share info, it'd make it easy to server hop and ghost to a new location to avoid dieing.


If ping and timezone allows I'll try hop on with you guys some night


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Hahaha ya and even then when ive been looking at the other two servers they are always packed.. Glad you made it through the kidney cancer Rex, when did you get another scalpel? When we blew up i think you lost that one haha


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Oh crap you are right. I will have to pickup another from the drug dealer.