Search results

  1. RivaCom

    Revenant Car

    What If....
  2. RivaCom

    Easier Twitch Streaming

    I tested this before and it worked ok. But if you just want to stream and don't want the hassle of learning OBS. Check out Overwolf. Easy Gui that can be accessed in-game. Great for 1 screen warriors.
  3. RivaCom

    XBOX One Contoller on PC

    Seem legit,
  4. RivaCom

    Game of throne Actors use Oculus Rift

    I didn't know Hodor was a DJ.
  5. RivaCom

    No More Room in Hell

    Rex and I were talking, and to mix things up a little bit. We'd like to get a NMRIH game going. This can handle up to 8 players and is a mix of survival/horror with puzzles. I'm not sure whats required(it's free but you might need to own a Source game.)...
  6. RivaCom

    Flight Sims

    Anyone out there a flight sim nut? I was huge into WW2 sims for a while. Played aces high 2 for a long time with some great guys.
  7. RivaCom

    Information on becoming a leader/ Starting a Division.

    Below is information needed to lead/start a division within Revenant Gaming. Please read ALL information before contacting a Revenant Leader. Q. I see that you currently do not have a division for Game X. Does that mean I can lead that division for Revenant? A. Short answer, Yes! But let...
  8. RivaCom

    Creator of EQ Check, Old School MMO Rules Check, Best game ever?

    Now anyone who knows me, knows I will always quote 1 of 2 mmos. EQ, or SWTOR. Two of the best games that ever game out. I prayed EQN was going to be old school, but although it looks great, isn't EQ. So this morning I see this pop up...
  9. RivaCom

    XBOX Sign Out

    So a user decided to change his username to XBOX Sign Out. And decided to be annoying in Call of Duty. Awesome video!
  10. RivaCom

    Revenant's History

    In 2010, I created the internet, and with the internet I needed a community…. No not really. Let me tell you a little bit about the history of Revenant Gaming. In 2008 through 2010 I was playing various games such as Darkfall Online (PvP MMORPG) , Global Agenda (Sci-Fi based Third Person...