Search results

  1. RivaCom

    Revenant Down Kargath and Butcher!

    After the 2nd week of raiding(Minus 1 day of downtime due to blizzard) Revenant downed Kargath and The Butcher! 2/7 complete! World of logs -> (Kargath Kill) & (Butcher Kill). Congrats...
  2. RivaCom

    Holiday Wish List

    Hello all, Was curious what's on everyone's holiday wishlist this year?
  3. RivaCom

    NLLP Event Sunday Poll

    Just curious if people would be interested in a NLLP Event this weekend. I'd like to try to make it a possible morning , noonish EST time frame so EU folks can stay up and play for a few hours. This would be for L4D2. Let me know!
  4. RivaCom

    American Horror Story[Possible Spoilers]

    Not sure if anyone across the pond have watched it. But I just wanted to point out Jessica Lange's "performance" of Gods and Monsters is great.
  5. RivaCom

    l4d2 4.99 I know it's late notice but I'd still like to get together and play this game with everyone.
  6. RivaCom

    Full Payday game free, 24 hours only. Starting in 10minutes!
  7. RivaCom

    Alien Vs Predator (2000)

    Free key for their new so called platform.
  8. RivaCom

    [Spoilers] Walking Dead

    Just a warning this Thread contains spoilers to the show, so if you don't want information leaked to you, stop reading. That being said, How about those throat cutting skills.
  9. RivaCom

    Free week of GW2 Decent game for anyone who was interested.
  10. RivaCom

    Tropico 3 Free Plus tons of nice games for cheap. South Park SOT:$19.99
  11. RivaCom

    Skyrim - $4.99

    Why not right? Macho man Dragon for 5 bucks.
  12. RivaCom

    Revenant open stronghold and starts their quest for the Flagship.

    SWTOR has been hard at work for the 2.9 that released Tuesday for SWTOR. With the 2.9 patch, Strongholds(guild housing) and Flagships(Guild Space crafts) were introduced. Revenant is now the owner of their first stronghold and will continue to venture toward the guild flagship! Congrats to...
  13. RivaCom

    New Silent Hill

    So I'm a huge fan of the first couple of games in the series. Huge fan of the movie. Good to see good developers bringing it back. Watch the trailer and teaser gameplay. Damn PS4 for making this exclusive. Full teaser walkthrough.
  14. RivaCom

    60 FPS Capturing

    Wow, I am really considering this for Streaming.
  15. RivaCom

    EA Access

    I'm really considering this. I don't know why, but if they add some other games to download, it's really not a bad deal.
  16. RivaCom

    Kings Quest coming back!

    I might be old by posting this but... YES! " Now that it's officially come back from the dead, Sierra is bringing some of its classic PC games along with it. Activision said in a press release today that its recently-revived subsidiary is...
  17. RivaCom

    Game of Thrones [Spoilers]

    Do we have any GOT fans? I'm curious if anyone else picked up on the actor change.
  18. RivaCom

    TMNT 2014 Sneek Peek Trailer

    Thoughts? Doesn't look half bad.
  19. RivaCom

    NBA 2k14

    Just Saying. BTW, I'm the celtics.
  20. RivaCom

    Out for the Count - (Hardware Issues)

    As I told Rex today, My computer is kinda out for the count right now. It'll work for a few minutes, and then all my monitors will go black. PC is still on, can't remote into it, I could hear you guys on Teamspeak still but couldn't communicate back. So there could be many different...