Search results

  1. RivaCom

    Open Staff Positions

    Recruitment Manager of Console Gaming - In charge of Divisions under Console Gaming, it is there choice on what Division’s should start up and who runs them, they help resolve any issues that are happening and help build towards the future of the Console Gaming Divisions Division Leaders -...
  2. RivaCom

    New Staff

    Hello All you Revenantians ? I just wanted to take a quick second to introduce two members who are going to help out around the house. So please welcome DudeAwesome and Darkele to the ranks of Community Managers - Recruitment. They will be assisting in the day to day operations to get more...
  3. RivaCom

    The State of Revenant - April edition

    Hello Revenant Members and Future Members! It's been a long time coming and we want to give a little bit of info on future projects. As a community we are always looking for community feedback. To start, you may have noticed a site redesign. New skin, new features and new software. Current...
  4. RivaCom

    Post your Battlestations

    Decided to start a post for players battle stations. Good way to show off that rig of yours!
  5. RivaCom


  6. RivaCom

    Free Games from Ubisoft(World in Conflict & Assassin's Creed: BF).

    Can't beat free for two decent games. Only downside is using ubisoft launcher.
  7. RivaCom

    A New Revenant requires New Staff

    Hello all! Revenant is trying to reunite what it once was many years ago(Can you believe will be 6 years old this month?) So with that, we need staff to help make a big push for new games, events, and swag for all the members! So, we are looking for people who want to help make Revenant a...
  8. RivaCom

    Member of the Month - January

    So we decided to start a new thing here at RG, and that is to shine the spotlight on members who have gone above and beyond to make RG a great place to hang out. So each month we will be giving a member, a MotM post similar to this one. So to start out the new year, I'd like to congratulate...
  9. RivaCom

    Temp Theme Issues

    Seems to have had a issue with our style we use for our site, so you will see this ugly theme for a bit until we can nail the issue.
  10. RivaCom

    Ark Revolution Event!

    Since rates have permanently been increased our weekend REvolution events will also change to follow in line with official servers (effective 3x harvesting, taming, and EXP). This change is up for discussions on this post.
  11. RivaCom

    Ark Revenant Gaming welcomes new Ark Server (Home of former Server 54 players)

    Thanks to our very own @Sipowicz ! There is now a home for former Server 54 players to call home. Sipowicz has been running on Server 54 for many months and if you haven't run into him yet, you should with his grand total of 1,705 hours. If you are coming from Server 54 and would like help...
  12. RivaCom

    Clan News Platinum Titurius (Kind of a big deal) Congrats to our first REV Member to reach Platinum status for Overwatch. Congrats to him and hopefully we see diamond real soon.
  13. RivaCom

    Clan News A member, guildmate, friend, and a letdown

    Hello everyone, I've been running Communities almost my whole life. I started back in the very beginning of the Counter-Strike Era managing a small CS Beta clan(Clan Avalanche) and moved to managing other communities much larger(SectionVIII-Xbox 360). I've seen my deal of drama, I've seen the...
  14. RivaCom

    Clan News Discord Chat/Voice Server

    Hello all! We've decided to trial out Discord's Voice communication Suite for a bit to see if it's a viable replacement to Team Speak. Please join it by clicking the widget on the main page or click the link below. Let us know any issues you may/may not be having.
  15. RivaCom

    Rev returning for Legion.

    With the pre-patch hitting recently and invasions coming to WoW, Rev has geared up for a big return to the raiding scene. Were looking for all social players to come join us for the fun. Reminder that Revenant plays on Stormrage for the Alliance (I know). Shoot a reply or message to Rexigar...
  16. RivaCom

    The Jugs have been Popped - TeamREV Wins Chairleague Match

    Your HOTS Team takes home a victory pulling a 1-4 Record with one game remaining. Check out the video highlight recorded by our own @Titurius . [portalpreview]
  17. RivaCom

    Team Hots wipes our rear ends with the meta, but falls short of the win

    Good first league match, but Team Hots didn't quite make it. Check out the footage below. [portalpreview]
  18. RivaCom

    TeamREV Hots Team Joins Chair League!

    TeamREV's Hots team has recently joined Chair League! A casual Hots League. First Match is set for 1/25 at 7:30pm PST or 10:30 EST. Check back on the site for steams of the game!
  19. RivaCom

    Now Recruiting for HoTS

    #TeamREV is now looking for casual competitive players for our HoTS team.
  20. RivaCom

