Our Tender Loving Care 3 update approaches and, aside from the dedicated reworks of the Stego and Mammoth, we’ve added a bunch of Quality of Life changes to make your time on the ARK more enjoyable.
We’re particularly excited about introducing insect and wyvern breeding to the game and look...
The Extra Life charity event and TLC 3, the community has been asking "when" and we're here to deliver.
Download in high resolution[cdn.survivetheark.com]
Check out your new ride! Twin ceramic rotor drives on each wheel! And these look like computer controlled anti-lock brakes! Wow, 200...
Fear Evolved 4
It's time to Trick or Treat whilst howling under the blood moon! The Dodorex and Dodowyvern will be striking fear into the hearts of Survivors with their fearsome return to the ARK! Hunt for new diabolical chibis, spectral creature skins, event themed threads, and new holiday...
Welcome to another edition of the Community Crunch! While we continue polishing TLC 3 and addressing any live-game issues that arise, this week we will take a look at some awesome community fan art and community content.
EVO Event
There will be no EVO Event this week.
Official ARK Discord...
In this edition of the Community Crunch, we’ll be giving you more details on the upcoming TLC 3 patch and taking a look at some amazing community art.
TLC 3 Update
Excitement is ramping up and we're anxious to share more details on the creature improvements we've been working on. In addition...
Official Discord Launch
We’re excited to announce the launch of our Official ARK:Survival Evolved Discord! Along with being a new hub for our ARK community, this Discord will be a source of information for our players where announcements and patch notes can be pushed through to your own...
In this edition of the Community Crunch, we’ll be teasing you with some juicy TLC 3 info along with giving you an overview of what we’ve been focusing on lately behind the scenes.
The much-awaited TLC is getting closer and we’re excited to get some of our re-imagined favorites into your hands...
Credit: Jacob
Welcome to another edition of the Community Crunch. This week we take a look at a new sponsored mod and great fan art from the community!
New Sponsored Mod
Simple Spawners
Simple Spawners is a popular utility mod that makes it easy to customize maps to suit the desires and...
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