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  1. Bootscrapper

    Keep talking and nobody explodes.

    This game looks really interesting. has anyone else heard or seen anything on it?
  2. Bootscrapper

    The Walking Dead Episode 2

    Haha. I guess it all depends on what kind of raw turtle. personally i think i might start eating the grass before i ate a raw turtle. a turtle cooked over a camp fire might be a different story. That girl does seem a little suspect though.
  3. Bootscrapper

    The Walking Dead Episode 2

    That's a very good point i have completely forgotten about that. How about Morgan also, Do you think that he's going back to his old ways possibly? the guy that he was fighting with in the house was the same one that he let live in the woods last season. i kinda think that last shot of him...
  4. Bootscrapper

    The Walking Dead Episode 2

    I can't keep from wondering why the Wolves didn't have any guns? I can see Enid being with the wolves. But i don't think that she is, I think that she's just been through so much at this point that she's just numb to most everything. I do agree the layering is good it keeps the suspense...
  5. Bootscrapper

    The Walking Dead Episode 2

    May Contain SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So overall i really enjoyed this episode it was bloody and brutal in all the right ways. and there was something oddly funny about watching someone eat a raw turtle. Carol is such a badass, she's kinda like a super hero living two lives. One life...
  6. Bootscrapper

    Star Wars Battlefront

    I almost downloaded it on my PS4 but i didn't have much of a chance. tell us what you thought of it rex.
  7. Bootscrapper


    sweet man. I'm on a little during the week mostly late at night around 11:30 my time and a lot during the weekends. just send me an invite if you see me on we can hook up.
  8. Bootscrapper


    Is it just that Disk? we just got an update to the system maybe that will help.
  9. Bootscrapper


    I roll Warlock all the way. Like Galvatron said titan has better armor and their supers are pretty good, you can either pop a protective bubble around you where you take no damage or you get Thor's hammer and throw them at people or do this massive ground pound that destroys everything around...
  10. Bootscrapper


    I honestly didn't think that Peter Dinklage was the problem there, because if you go back and play some of the early missions even with Nolan North bad dialog is still bad dialog. but the new ghost lines are a huge improvement over the original.
  11. Bootscrapper


    Yea Riv, i played a lot during the first year. the main thing that saved it for me was the gameplay was just a lot of fun. Now with the taken king Expansion it's gotten a whole lot better. they've add more MMO elements to the game, there are actual quest lines that you can complete to get...
  12. Bootscrapper


    I play on PS4 a lot. send me an PSN invite it's just Bootscrapper.
  13. Bootscrapper


    I loved sense 8 also. It's not a problem with the actor so much as the character, he gets on my nerves. which in all honesty is a testament to the actor. i am curious to see where they take these characters. Now i can see why the desert would be appealing in a time like this one, Very few...
  14. Bootscrapper


    Just curious what everyone thinks about this spin off show so far. I do enjoy it although i do have a few problems with the show so far. for one thing the Johnny Depp want to be drives me crazy. butt overall it's pretty good i love a good zombie origins story. we will see at the end of this...
  15. Bootscrapper

    MGS: The Phantom Pain

    I am definitely going to be picking it up sometime this week. i don't think i will get a lot of time to play it till this weekend. i agree with you Rexigar completely, Konami fuc#@$ up outing Kojima. which puts me in that weird place where i don't want to buy the game and support Konami but...
  16. Bootscrapper

    ESO Tamriel unlimited.

    I Bought this game about 3-4 weeks ago now for PS4. i've gotta say it's hooked me, i'm loving everything about it. i know a bunch of you played it when it first came out, and had a lot of issues with it. there are still little annoyance glitches here and there but for the most part it's...
  17. Bootscrapper


    Ahh F2p but you can do 4x4 in RL. i've been playing it on Ps4 and am going to get it on steam, it's so much fun.
  18. Bootscrapper


    Rocket league.
  19. Bootscrapper

    Star Wars: Comic-Con 2015 Reel

    That was literally almost as good as the trailer was. seeing all those practical affects gives me such high hopes.
  20. Bootscrapper

    This really makes me want to play the old republic again

    Ok guys. i have finally made it into HM Flash points. i have to say that the level 60 HM flash points are a good bit tougher than they were previously. which i am enjoying very much. i don't like it when you can just speed straight through them.