Arma 3 Altis Life


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By watching both our recorded clips we found that there was 6 of them in 3 cars.. 2 of us. With a truck full of the blue it gets that adrenaline going haha!


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Riva and I have been playing with @ManBearPig and @BSquare172 on Olympus 2. We started up a gang as well. If we get enough we can go take down the Federal Reserve.

Last night the 5 of us netted a meth run of over 1.3 million. Which came out to just over 250,000 each. More players = more money!

Thanks for the video @SamSkumm I will never be riding with you!


@Rexigar clearly im not the man for get away driver just yet!
@ManBearPig poor jason and trooper lol
ill check that server out later and see if its playable for me, my connection is pretty good so maybe!


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Hahaha @SamSkumm great video, I wasnt aware that your screen goes blurry after losing a kidney. Also in the server we play on I think you have to restrain someone before you can rob them? I think you have to buy your vigilante license, still figuring out how all that works. If your connection is alright on Olympus 2 it would be awesome if you joined us, we could get the gang (Los Pollos Hermanos) together, gear up with rocket launchers, heavy machine guns etc. and rob the federal reserve!!
P.S. If you try to get into Olympus its usually packed and you might have to try over and over to get in.


cool will keep that in mind if it fails to connect! machine guns and rocket launchers sound awesome! ive only managed to buy a few pistols!


Jumped on olympus 2 there to see if it was laggy. was running fine, was given $1000 by a random, watched 2 suicides and a cop get shot die in less than 10 mins lol


Thanks, ill have a read now, probably wont be on late tonight but if any of you guys are gonna be on over the weekend I should be up late enough to play


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Sweet. We are building our Meth Empire!

Last night 5 of us cleared $270,000 each.


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My bad I would say I could be Gustavo but it didn't turn out well for him either..